Department of the Military

DOTM Administrative Citation Process

Arkansas Department of the Military Administrative Citation Process

Every person driving or operating a motor vehicle on a state military reservation shall maintain proper control of the vehicle in a manner consistent with state law, as well as the regulations stated herein. In addition to this general requirement, it is specifically prohibited for any person driving or operating a motor vehicle, motorcycle, or other form of motorized vehicle to:

  • Maneuver at a speed or in a manner that, considering the totality of circumstances, is unsafe to the driver/operator or others;
  • Pass a pedestrian or bicyclist in such a manner as to endanger the pedestrian or bicyclist;
  • Pass a marching or running formation, unless permitted by signage or the leader of the formation; 
  • Pass a road guard, unless permitted by the road guard; 
  • Use any communication device, such as a cell phone, without the aid of a hands-free device; or
  • Fail to use a seatbelt. 
  • Fail to wear a helmet, reflective band, and other required equipment while operating a motorcycle or other form of motorized vehicle.
  • It is prohibited for any person to park:
    • In any parking place that is marked as reserved for another person, or in such a manner as to restrict access to a parking place that is reserved for another person; 
    • In a place that restricts the flow of traffic along a road or street; 
    • In a fire lane; or
    • In violation of posted rules or policies. 
  • It is prohibited for any unauthorized person to enter or unlawfully remain in a restricted area.

Individuals who violate this regulation may be issued an administrative citation under the procedures provided in this regulation and others or according to the applicable laws of the State of Arkansas. The purpose of administrative citations is to ensure the safe and orderly operation of motor vehicles on state military reservations. It is a privilege, not a right, to enter a state military reservation. Similarly, it is a privilege, not a right, to operate a motorized vehicle on a state military reservation. 

The issuance of administrative citations constitutes the lawful exercise of administrative controls over all persons entering state military reservations. The Administrative Citation Process is implemented at Camp Joseph T. Robinson Maneuver Training Center and the Fort Chaffee Joint Maneuver Training Center which are defined as military reservations in Ark. Code Ann. § 12-63-202-204.

A person who receives an Administrative Citation has the following options: 

  1. Unless the face of the citation states otherwise, every person receiving an administrative citation may pay an administrative penalty of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per violation in lieu of appearing before an Administrative Hearing Officer. 
  2. Contest the administrative citation at an administrative hearing.

If you receive an Administrative Citation, the violation(s) may be contested and heard before an Administrative Hearing Officer. To request a hearing, you must contact the Administrative Hearing Clerk either in writing or by telephone, within ten (10) calendar days after the date the citation was personally served, stating that you contest the alleged violation(s). Mail written request to: 

Arkansas Department of the Military 

ATTN: Administrative Hearing Clerk Danna Parker

Camp Joseph T. Robinson

Bldg. 4201

North Little Rock, AR 72199-9600

Phone: 501-435-2427

The Clerk will notify you of the date, time, location of your hearing and the name of the Hearing Officer. Allow at least two hours for the hearing. Other cases may be scheduled at the same time as your hearing. Please arrive on time to the hearings. The Hearing Officer may not hear your case if you arrive late. The Hearings will be held at the: 

Arkansas National Guard Courtroom

Building 7300

Camp J. T. Robinson

North Little Rock, AR 72199-9600

At the hearing, the Hearing Officer has the authority to do any of the following: 

  1. Make a finding that a violation has occurred and assess an administrative civil penalty which shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per violation; or
  2. Make a finding that no violation has occurred and dismiss the Administrative Citation. 

If the Hearing Officer orders an Administrative Penalty fee, it must be paid immediately. If the Administrative Penalty fine is not paid, you will be referred for suspension of access to the state military reservation or have your driving privileges on state military reservations suspended. You have the right to appeal to district court under state law.

Please pay the Administrative Penalty fine by check, cash, or money order. Payment must be made within ten (10) days of the date the citation is personally served. Checks are made payable to: 

“Arkansas Department of the Military”

INCLUDE A COPY OF THE CITATION WITH THE PAYMENT. Mail the check and documents to: 

Arkansas Department of the Military 

ATTN: Administrative Hearing Clerk Danna Parker

Camp Joseph T. Robinson

Bldg. 4201

North Little Rock, AR 72199-9600

Phone: 501-435-2427

Any check that is returned due to “Non-Sufficient Funds” or “Uncollected Funds” will be charged a NSF fee. The NSF fee and the check reimbursement must be paid in cash or money order within five (5) business days of notice. Failure to pay will result in a notice being sent to your commander or civilian Supervisor and could result in the citation being directed to a district court for adjudication.

For more information, please see links below:

NGAR 2015-01 Operating and Parking Vehicles on State Military Reservations

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